Sunday, October 14, 2007

14 miles later

4:25 am Saturday my alarm went off. I was semi-asleep but knew it was time to eat breakfast in preparation for my long run. So, I ventured downstairs. However, I must have though there were two less stairs than the day before, because I fell. Landing on my knees was an interesting way to start the day. Fortunately I was okay (although today I see some funky looking bruises forming!)

An english muffin and PowerBar later I was ready to go. I was out the door by 5:25 am with water, chocolate milk and my fanny pack in hand (how nerdy for me to actually admit that I run with a fanny pack!) Because of my Magic Mile time, I graduated to a faster running group ... actually, the third fastest running group - scary! However, I didn't want to test out a whole new group leader and pace for my longest run ever. So I stuck with the Renegades (my group's name). I felt good for most of the run. It wasn't until mile 11ish that my legs started getting fairly tired and sore. By the end of the run my body had enough ... but I completed the run (and only complained a little bit) which is all that matters! 14 very long miles. As for next week, we are running the Race for the Cure. My mom and dad will be in town visiting and will also be participating. My mom is a breast cancer survivor, which makes this event even more special.

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