Saturday, November 17, 2007

Back from Italy

Ciao! I'm back from Italy ... did you miss me? I had a phenomenal trip with my mom (and eight other mothers and daughters). We ate, drank, drove through the mountains, cooked with a professional chef and took more pictures than we know what to do with. I even got three runs in - hooray! Check out my pictures below ...

Here I am in Cortona - the town in which the book/movie "Under the Tuscan Sun" actually took place. The woman still lives there with her Italian husband.

Here's a picture of my mom making cheese with a man who I swear looks exactly like "Mario" from Super Mario Brothers.

Here I am poking the fire ... later that evening we grilled our pork chops over it. Yummmmmmm!

Now that I'm home, it's time to get back to business ... with an 18 mile run. Since it's been over a week since I last ran (due to traveling and a nasty cold) this one was particularly difficult. According to our group leader, I have lost approximately 10% of my running ability - which I could certainly feel. But thanks to my friends and their encouragement, I was able to get through it! Next week I will be home in Maryland for Thanksgiving and will be sure to get my runs in. Maybe I'll even convince my boyfriend to join me ... although I think that might be wishful thinking!! Gobble Gobble.