Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Committed ... at least this week!

After my run on Saturday I became somewhat nervous ... I didn't feel strong, fast or energized. Perhaps it was due to the food poisoning. Or, perhaps I haven't been as committed to my training as I should be. So, early Sunday morning my alarm went off, I threw on my shoes and went for a run - my normal route. To my surprise, I ran the entire 3.17 miles without stopping! Then Monday rolled around and I did core training. And this morning I woke up, drove to the beach, met my running partner and ran 3.25 miles. Long story short, I'm finally on the right track and committed to the training program. My plan? Keep it up, stay focused and have a great group run on Saturday - feeling strong, fast and energized!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Longest Run Ever

Guess what? I ran 7.01 miles today ... my longest run ever! It's a huge accomplishment for me, a wanna-be runner. We also did our timed mile. Mine was 8:57 and just two weeks ago is was 9:20 - so I'm getting stronger and faster. I'm pretty exhausted, though. Yesterday I had food poisoning - so every step I took was a difficult one. So, for the remainder of the day today I'm going to relax, drink lots of water and watch some good movies on TV. Hooray for Saturdays!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I'm here!

Although I haven't updated the blog in a while, i'm still here and still running ... had ya worried, didn't I! I ran my first 5k last month and did better than expected. Finished in 32:07, ran over two bridges (whew) and finished 28th in my class out of 71. All bragging aside, my real marathon training began recently. It's a ton of fun - I swear. I think running with other people keeps me motivated - and the early mornings keep me out of trouble Friday nights :) I also signed up to be a "Girls on the Run" coach. I'll be coaching a team of 8 - 12 year olds twice a week to run a 5k in December. So, other than all this running stuff, my life is pretty dull ... just kidding!