Sunday, October 28, 2007

16 tough miles

So I guess it's fair to say we all have off days. Unfortunately for me, that day was yesterday. My 16 mile run was very difficult.

A few of us decided not to run with our Galloway group because the location was over 45 minutes away. Instead, we mapped out a route at the beach. Val, Hillary, Tracy, Sonya and I met at 6am and began our 3 hour 40 minute journey ... over the Atlantic Blvd. bridge (twice) and through the rain. To make the run fun, everyone was given a "role" ... assigned of course by me. I played the role of mascot/jester, Hillary was our guest speaker (topic of the day: interesting running health/fitness facts), Val was our inspiration, Sonya kept the perps away and Tracey was our cheerleader. But despite my role, which could have been a ton of fun, I turned into the resident old man ... I couldn't stop talking about my aches and pains. From the get-go, my body didn't feel right. At mile 3 my feet were already hurting and by mile 9, I had terrible pain in my left shin - which only got worse with every step. Needless to say, I was thrilled when the run was behind us! No worries though, I'm feeling better today and will run again on Tuesday. Hopefully the old man syndrome will be gone ... otherwise my friends may just kick me out of the group!

Look for some exciting updates in mid-November when I get back from Italy. I will be sure to include pictures from the trip, delicious recipes and also tell you what it was like running there ... which I'm sure will be amazing. Until then, ciao!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Race for the Cure

Yesterday I participated in my second official race ... the Race for the Cure. And so did my mom, dad, hundreds of my co-workers, Donna Hicken's marathon training team and thousands of other people from around Jacksonville. What a great day and great race it was! I began in the middle of the pack with my running partners Hillary, Kristie and Val. Then about ten minutes later I asked the girls a question and realized I was no longer with them. Guess I got in the zone and took off! I finished with a great time (nearly a five minute improvement from my first race, in fact).

Here are my stats
Class place: 37 out of 159
Overall place: 273 out of 1040
Chip time: 27:16
Average pace: 9:18

Below are some pictures from our fun day ... enjoy!

Here I am at mile 1.5 ... still running strong!

This picture is from after the race. From left to right - Kristie, Hillary, Val and me (what's going on with my face?!?)

This is my Blue Cross team ... my mom is on the far left in the pink shirt and my dad is behind the camera lens.

Okay - this is obviously not from the race. It's from a few nights before at a casino night for a non-profit I sit on the board of. My friend Sheila is on the far left, I'm on the far right and Reggie Hayward, a Defensive End for the Jaguars is in the middle. Wish you could have seen the bling he was wearing!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

14 miles later

4:25 am Saturday my alarm went off. I was semi-asleep but knew it was time to eat breakfast in preparation for my long run. So, I ventured downstairs. However, I must have though there were two less stairs than the day before, because I fell. Landing on my knees was an interesting way to start the day. Fortunately I was okay (although today I see some funky looking bruises forming!)

An english muffin and PowerBar later I was ready to go. I was out the door by 5:25 am with water, chocolate milk and my fanny pack in hand (how nerdy for me to actually admit that I run with a fanny pack!) Because of my Magic Mile time, I graduated to a faster running group ... actually, the third fastest running group - scary! However, I didn't want to test out a whole new group leader and pace for my longest run ever. So I stuck with the Renegades (my group's name). I felt good for most of the run. It wasn't until mile 11ish that my legs started getting fairly tired and sore. By the end of the run my body had enough ... but I completed the run (and only complained a little bit) which is all that matters! 14 very long miles. As for next week, we are running the Race for the Cure. My mom and dad will be in town visiting and will also be participating. My mom is a breast cancer survivor, which makes this event even more special.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Still running, and running and running ...

Last Saturday I ran 12 miles - can you believe it?!?! I was nervous the week leading up to the run, but once we took off I felt good, strong and up for the challenge. The only problem was that I was familiar with the route, so I knew how much further we had to go. I prefer ignorance ... it makes the runs (mentally) easier! This week we only had a six mile run with our magic mile in the middle. The magic mile is a timed mile that allows our leaders to place us in the appropriate pace group. I did well - very well. Below are my three magic mile times:

August 4 - 9:20
August 25 - 8:57 (23 second improvement)
October 6 - 8:25 (32 second improvement)

Not to bad for a wanna-be runner, is it. This Saturday we will be running 14 miles ... wish me luck, I may need it!